Minggu, Februari 12, 2006

12 new industrial projects in 2006 in Iraq for 25 billion Iraqi dinar

The statement said the total cost of these projects amounts to nearly 25 billion Iraqi dinars.

Last year the company designed 14 projects at a cost of more than 12 billion iraqi dinar.The company designs industrial projects and supervises construction and implementation.

Most of the projects are for key ministries like oil and electricity, the statement said.

It said the company expected to sign more contracts with the ministry of oil which has the largest investment budget for 2006.

The ministry’s $3 billion allocations will be used to upgrade refineries and boost oil output.

The statement said the company was engaged in the rehabilitation of the refinery in Qaiyra in the north.

In the electricity field, the company is currently installing equipment for a power plant that will feed al-Huriya district in Baghdad.(Source)Muthana Aydan, Azzaman


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