Minggu, Maret 25, 2007

Turkish companies are invited to invest in Iraq

Assudani confirmed that Turkey has all the ingredients of commercial development and Turkish goods are well-trusted, and this calls for discussing all the details of the trade process between officials from the two countries.

He added that opening more than one border gate will increase the trade exchange between the two countries, instead of relying on one border crossing which will create problems in the pace of trade exchange and will not provide a suitable opportunity for the exchange of experiences and information.

He confirmed the importance of encouraging Turkish companies to invest in investment projects in the safe areas of the country.

He noted that the second exhibition of “A Gate to Iraq” in the Turkish city of Ghazi Antab is a great opportunity for businessmen and companies to exchange experience and information, as well as planning to establish huge bilateral projects supporting the economic exchange between the two countries.(Source)AlSabah


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