Kamis, September 06, 2007

100 billion iraqi dinar for waste treatment facilities in Baghdad

Mueen Al-Kadhimi, Council chairman, said in a press statement, "The Council allocated 100 billion dinars for the establishment of waste-sorting factories in Baghdad, the first project of its kind in the capital for chemical waste treatment. ... large quantities of wastes are collected daily from the areas and neighborhoods of Baghdad.

"The Council concluded the details of announcing the tender and arranging contracts, the equipping the factories with machinery specified for them to be imported during the coming months." He explained, "These large quantities of wastes need to be treated before disposal to protect the environment from pollution, the basic purpose of the factories." Al-Kadhimi continued, "Establishing such factories for the scientific treatment of the wastes collected daily will positively impact the health of citizens."(Source)AlSabah


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Terima kasih.