Minggu, September 07, 2008

70B dinars in border revenues in Kurdistan

The Iraqi Ministry of Finance on Sunday said that the revenues from border tariff collection in Iraq's Kurdistan region reached 70 billion Iraqi dinars in 2007, comprising 45 percent of Iraq's total border revenues.

"The General Customs Authority in the central government and the customs department in the Kurdistan region have agreed to unify customs procedures countrywide," according to a statement released by the Iraqi cabinet's national media center and received by Aswat al-Iraq- Voices of Iraq- (VOI).

It is noteworthy that 1 U.S. dollar= 1,118 Iraqi dinars.

Earlier, the ministry sent a delegation comprising high-ranking officials to the Kurdistan region to implement Article 18 of the Budget Law of the year 2008 and to discuss a broader unification of customs and tax laws and procedures.

(Voices of Iraq)


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