Senin, Oktober 20, 2008

Follow-up committee to monitor reconstruction projects

The Iraqi government has decided to set up a follow-up committee to monitor and stimulate the progress of the implementation of reconstruction projects all over the country, a spokesperson for the Fardh al-Qanoon plan said.

“Most of reconstructions plans developed by the Iraqi government are currently underway. It has decided to make for the delay in reconstruction operations, which was the result of military operations and violence that hit several areas in Baghdad and other provinces,” Tahseen al-Shaikhali said during a Baghdad-based joint press conference with a spokesperson for the Multi-National Force (MNF).

When asked about scheduled projects in Baghdad’s eastern city of al-Sadr, the spokesperson said that an amount of 70 billion Iraqi dinars (1 U.S. dollar= 1,118 Iraqi dinars) has been allocated for the establishment of 1,000 housing units in Kasra area, in addition to polyclinics and a blood bank.

(Voices of Iraq)


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