Rabu, Desember 24, 2008

IMF Menyatakan Iraq Sukses Dalam Semua Komitmennya

The IMF Confirms That Iraq Succeeded in All Its Commitments

The Finance Minister Bayan Jabr said the IMF Executive has finished its Board meeting and confirmed the success of Iraq in all its obligations under the supporting Convention.

Al-Zubaidi stated on Friday, the IMF decided to further reduction of twenty percent of the 30 billion dollars of Iraq's debt, and this news confirms the success of the Ministry of Finance in its plan to strengthen the Iraqi economy and resolve the issue of Iraq's foreign debt, which strengthens Economic stability in Iraq.

( Iraq Directory )

Jumat, Desember 19, 2008

Rencana Ekonomi Untuk Mengakhiri Perang Iraq

The Economic Plan to End the Iraq War

"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

After the U.S. deposed Saddam Hussein, the Sunni Arabs lost control of the government, the military, and the economy. Majority rule put a Shiite-Kurd coalition in charge, relegating Sunni Arabs to a third-tier cultural, economic and political status. From the Sunni Arab point of view, the situation has only worsened since Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a strict Shiite sectarian, has further increased his power as a result of the "Surge."

Stability and a lessening of violence cannot be fostered under sectarian rule that ignores the economic and political aspirations of Sunni Arabs. Many Sunnis resist a regional solution because most of the developed sources of oil and gas revenue come from lands occupied by Shiites and Kurds, in the south and north.

What is too often overlooked is that significant sources of untapped oil and gas wealth, some 100 billion barrels of oil, according to the U.S. energy consultancy IHS Inc, exist in Iraq's Western Desert in the Sunni Arab province of al-Anbar. Extraction cost for the oil is estimated as low as $1.50/barrel, among the lowest in the world. A recent book, The Geology of Iraq, written by 16 geologists with firsthand knowledge of the geology of Iraq, is more conservative but still estimates substantial resources in the region. The book's chief author is the internationally known geologist, Dr. Saad Z. Jassim.

Both the Shiites in the south and the Kurds in the north have viable oil economies, a source of wealth which the Sunni Arabs currently lack. Development of oil and gas along with self rule and the prospect of significant revenue from their own oil and gas fields could well be the enticement for the majority of Sunni Arabs to cease their efforts to destabilize an Iraq in which they feel they no longer have a stake.

Such a plan could well receive the support of a majority of Kurds and Shiites, who are attempting to focus on their own prosperity and development after years of upheaval and violence. Indeed, a majority of Kurds, as well as the prominent Shiite group, the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI), have long supported a federal solution.

Success, however, requires an economic rationale. For Sunni Arabs the carrot is the development of oil and gas projects pursued under the ownership of the Sunni Arab Tribal Confederation, the principal Sunni political alliance in Iraq. Such a project also provides Sunni insurgent groups with a major incentive to cease violent attacks against oil and gas pipelines and other targets which are seen as only enriching Shiites and Kurds.

Oil wealth has transformed the quality of life for Kurds, who already enjoy de facto autonomy. They currently negotiate contracts with foreign firms who develop and operate their oil fields and are in negotiation with the Maliki government to sell their oil independently.

In the interest of promoting stability in the region, the U.S. and other nations must pressure Maliki to allow the Sunnis to benefit from revenues generated by such development. Start up funds could come from agencies such as the United Nations Capital Development Fund, or development could be opened to competitive bidding by international or Mideast oil companies.

The benefits of developing oil and gas for the benefit of Sunni Arabs in their own lands would be felt throughout the world. The symbolism of the Sunni Arab Tribal Confederation negotiating oil and gas contracts would stamp out a major piece of anti-American propaganda -- that the U.S. is only in Iraq to secure oil. In the short run, the fledgling Sunni Arab economy would be buoyed by investment and jobs. Transportation of the oil and gas -- which could easily tap into an extensive Turkish energy grid -- could increase energy supplies to Europe, which is suffering under Russia's energy chokehold.

Success of such a plan will only be achieved when Arab Sunnis witness that oil and gas revenues are benefiting the lives of the native Sunni population. Local development in Sunni lands would be a major blow to al-Qaeda in Iraq, whose best recruiting tool has been unemployment, dislocation, despair and resentment. There is less violence and a greater willingness to coexist among people who see the possibility of a better and more prosperous future.

( AINA )

Pembangunan Ekonomi di Iraq Th 2008 "Menggairahkan" Menurut Review Ekonomi Negara itu Oleh IMF

Economic development in Iraq in 2008 has been "encouraging" according to a review of the country's economy by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Improved security and a more stable political environment mean economic activity has "picked up" on the back of increased oil production and exports.

IMF deputy managing director Takatoshi Kato said the authorities had kept the economic programme "on track".

But the IMF warned that the sharp drop in the price of oil may stall progress.

Oil is now more than $100 a barrel cheaper than it was in July this year.

Continued efforts to stimulate economic growth depend "on continued improvements in the security situation and prioritisation in the use of lower oil revenues", Mr Kato said.

Oil revenue in 2009 would be much lower than in 2008, he added.

To compensate, the Iraqi government has already prepared measures to reduce spending next year.

Mr Kato also called on the government to "step up the pace of structural reforms," and to complete a regulatory framework for commercial banks.

"Further efforts are required to strengthen governance and fight corruption, in particular in the hydrocarbon sector," he added.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that improvements in security meant that UK troops would be withdrawn from Iraq by July 2009.

( BBC News )

Kamis, Desember 18, 2008

IMF Membatalkan 80% Hutang Luar Negeri Iraq

IMF Cancels 80% of Iraq’s Foreign Debts

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has decided to write off 80 percent of Iraq’s foreign debts, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) said on Thursday.

During its meeting, dated December 17, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund completed the second review of Iraq’s economic performance under the Stand-By Arrangement (SBA), according to a CBI statement received by Aswat al-Iraq.

Describing economic developments in Iraq as encouraging, the board has decided to bring the total of cancelled debts to 80 percent, the statement noted.

The bank has expressed its great relief at the cancelation of over $100 billion U.S. dollars of Iraq’s external debts as a result of successful economic policies.

The Paris Club had written off 60 percent of Iraq’s foreign debts under the first SBA agreement, which expired in December 2007.

( Voices of Iraq )

Selasa, Desember 09, 2008

Iraq akan Membangun Terminal Minyak Lepas Pantai di Basra

Iraq plans to build a new offshore oil terminal in Basra, in addition to reviving the existing facilities, a former official says.

Former Iraqi Oil Minister, Thamir Ghadhban told MEED that the country is considering several options as part of an assessment program of the country's energy infrastructure in Basra province.

"We have a plan to rehabilitate the existing facilities and also expand," Ghadhban said. "By carrying out these plans, we will have more than enough capacity to serve the country."

Iraq tries to revive its oil and gas industry and build new oil refineries as well as improving its ageing infrastructure.

Iraq produces 2.5 million barrels of oil per day, most of which is exported.

The country has the world's third-largest known oil reserves, but war, regular sabotage attacks by insurgents and old infrastructure has created problems for the sector.

( Press TV )

Senin, Desember 08, 2008

Perusahaan Korsel Investasi 30M US$ di Ninewa

S. Korean Companies to Invest $30b. in Ninewa

The investment authority in Ninewa has signed contracts worth $30 billion U.S. dollars with South Korean companies to conduct investment projects in the province.

“The projects are in the fields of industry, agriculture, electricity, and oil,” Ninewa Governor Darid Kashmoula told Aswat al-Iraq.

“Contacts are currently underway between the authority and Croatian companies to establish services compounds at the border outlet in Rabia, western Mosul,” he added.

Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad.

The original city of Mosul stands on the west bank of the Tigris River, opposite the ancient biblical city of Nineveh on the east bank, but the metropolitan area has now grown to encompass substantial areas on both banks, with five bridges linking the two sides.

Despite having an amount of Kurdish population, it does not form part of the area controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

( Voices of Iraq )

Sabtu, Desember 06, 2008

Penyulingan Minyak Senilai 4 Milyar $ Akan Dibuat di Missan

$4B Oil Refinery to Be Set Up in Missan

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil is planning to build a new oil refinery in Missan province at a cost of $4 million U.S. dollars, Missan’s mayor said on Wednesday.

“During the coming few days, the Ministry of Oil will sign a contract for the establishment of a refinery with a capacity of 150,000 barrel per day (bpd),” Adel Mahodar told Aswat al-Iraq, noting that the completion period is 18 months.

“The project will be referred to the cabinet for approval given the high cost of the project,” the mayor explained.

Missan is a Shiite province. Its capital city is al-Amara. Sitting on the Tigris River, Amara lies 390 km south of Baghdad. Missan, in the east of the country, bordering Iran, is home to many marsh Arabs.

( Voices of Iraq )

Penyulingan Minyak Senilai 4 Milyar $ Akan Dibuat di Missan

$4B Oil Refinery to Be Set Up in Missan

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil is planning to build a new oil refinery in Missan province at a cost of $4 million U.S. dollars, Missan’s mayor said on Wednesday.

“During the coming few days, the Ministry of Oil will sign a contract for the establishment of a refinery with a capacity of 150,000 barrel per day (bpd),” Adel Mahodar told Aswat al-Iraq, noting that the completion period is 18 months.

“The project will be referred to the cabinet for approval given the high cost of the project,” the mayor explained.

Missan is a Shiite province. Its capital city is al-Amara. Sitting on the Tigris River, Amara lies 390 km south of Baghdad. Missan, in the east of the country, bordering Iran, is home to many marsh Arabs.

( Voices of Iraq )

Jumat, Desember 05, 2008

Japan Nipon Oil Membicarakan Penyulingan Minyak Iraq 5-10 M US$

Japan Nippon Oil in Talks on $5-10 Bln Iraq Refinery

Japan's Nippon Oil Exploration is in talks with the Iraqi government on the construction of an oil refinery worth $5-10 billion and investment in oil exploration for the same amount, a company official said on Friday.

"We submitted a proposal and still discussion is ongoing," Ryunosuke Onogi, an executive and general manager at the company, which is a member of the Nippon Oil (5001.T: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) group, told Reuters at an energy conference in Baghdad.

"The construction of the refinery (would cost) about $5-10 billion. Probably the size of the (oil exploration) investment is the same upstream and downstream," Onogi said.

Iraq's cabinet last month approved the construction of two new oil refineries, with a total capacity of 300,000 barrels per day (bpd). Iraq is also planning to build two other refineries, with a total capacity of 450,000 bpd. The refineries' output would be aimed at both the domestic and international markets.

Existing refineries have been crippled by years of sanctions, under-investment and insurgent attacks.

( Reuters )


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