Rabu, Desember 05, 2007

550 billion iraqi dinars for the budget of Baghdad Mayoralty in 2008

Al-Isawi said, during the extensive meeting of cadre to discuss the budget of (2008) and the share of each department in the Mayoralty, that "the daily wages system of the cleaning-workers will be stopped since the beginning of the year and start working by the contracting and employment system where each contract would range between 3 to 6 months in accordance with the plan developed by each municipal department including the names of workers and geographical areas it is responsible for cleaning to prevent any administrative corruption."

He also said that all municipal departments will start working, this month, by evening shifts, from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m., while some municipal departments will work by a third shift starting from 7 p.m. till midnight; all of them will be provided with the necessary supplies, after strengthening the municipal budget for each department by at an additional billion iraqi dinars.(Source)AlSabah


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