Kamis, Maret 16, 2006

Iraq Ministry announces 1,000 new Ph.D. scholarships

“We have 1,000 scholarships that are available for students willing to get their Ph.D.s,“ the minister Sami al-Mudhafar said.

He said the students will be sent to the most prestigious universities in the world to obtain their degrees.

He did not identify the countries he intended to send the students to, but the sending of so many students indicates how serious the ministry is to bridge the gap in science and technology separating Iraq from the rest of the world.

Mudhafar said his ministry had drawn a plan in which geographical distribution and population densities of various provinces are to be considered when selecting students for the scholarships.

For example there are 275 scholarships for Baghdad, 83 for Nineveh, 70 for Basra, 39 for Anbar and 57 for Arbil.

The scholarships, the minister said, were part of his ministry’s plan to eventually set up one university in each of the country’s 18 provinces.(Source)Basel al-Khateeb, Azzaman


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