Kamis, Maret 16, 2006

United Arab Emirates will be constructing three hospitals in Iraq

“It (the campaign) emanates from the spirit of brotherhood and continuity that binds the two countries,” he added.

One hospital will be built in the low-income Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City, the second in the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya and the third in the southern city of Nasiriya.

He said a high-level Iraqi medical delegation will visit the U.A.E. to coordinate the relief which a senior Iraqi health official highly praised.

“The initiative by the U.A.E. is not unusual. It is an act we are proud of. U.A.E.’s humanitarian effort is beyond description,” said Sabah al-Hasani, health undersecretary.

The U.A.E, Kaabai said, was aiming to serve vulnerable Iraqi groups, particularly those living in remove areas.

He said his country will deliver the Iraqi Health Ministry “mobile clinics” furnished with the latest medical supplies to visit villages and areas with no access to public health.(Source) Azzaman


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