Kamis, Maret 09, 2006

Southern province of Iraq warms up to Iran

“The crossing will greatly expand commercial and economic ties between Iran and Iraq and revitalize trade exchange and create new job opportunities,” declared Governor Adel Radhi.

Radhi made the remarks following a joint meeting of officials from across the province in which he announced the opening of the border post.

“We have relied on our own resources on building this post,” he said, adding that construction of new roads was underway to link the crossing to the rest of the country.

Iran’s border with Iraq runs for more than 1,500 kilometers. The southern province of Misan shares the eastern border flank with Iran.

A majority Shiite Arab province, it suffered a great deal during the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war. Its capital al-Amara came under British occupation in 2003.

But the province’s relations with British occupation troops are strained at a time they are seeing marked improvement with Iran.

Governor Radhi told the meeting that he might suspend all ties with the Brits unless the soldiers accused of abusing Iraqi youth are tried in Iraqi courts.

He said he had written to senior British military officers asking them to reveal the names of those committing the abuses to have them tried inside Iraq.

He also said the Brits should open a prison they run in Basra for a visit by members of the provincial council he runs.

“Otherwise we are going to cut all relations with the British troops,” he vowed.(Source) Basem Ali, Azzaman


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