Senin, April 24, 2006

Basket of leaderships in Iraq

This achievement was satisfying to Iraqi people who expressed via polls unrest over political elite performing to deal with the crisis.They achieved sharing of the leadership according to sectarian and ethnic proportions basing on tradition designed by former US civil ruler Paul Bremer as he distributed the ex-governing council posts on sectarian and ethnic favors.Although many voices were raised to blast this way of ruling calling for national and democratic avenues according to electoral merits, the three former governments experienced the proportion styles from the ex-governing council, interim government and till the transitional government led by Dr. Ibrahim al-Jaferri.As for the current fourth government, there is no sign to leave the proportion as some believe that democratic consensus is a an image of proportion, yet it does not fit with, because democratic consensus means making decisions of strategic nature on condition of over all participation, while power posts implement the decisions away of sectarian or ethnic proportion.The big problem is that the proportion divides society into majority and minority and prevents movements of political rotation of state institutions.(Source)Mohammed Abdul Jabbar Shabbout, AlSabah


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