Selasa, April 18, 2006

Iraq will buy two oil tankers; inaugurates border crossing with Iran

Iraq had its own tanker fleet but most of the ships were sunk during the country’s wars with Iran in the 1980s and the U.S. wars, one in 1991 and the other in 2003.

Nonetheless, Khudayer said the company still had a few ships with a total capacity of 60,000 tons.

Iraq had two super tankers, each with more than 1 million barrels capacity.

The country’s Mina al-Bakr terminal has the capacity to handle giant oil tankers with loadings beyond 1 million barrels.

Meantime, the commander of border police in the area of Basra said the provincial authorities would inaugurate al-Sheeb border crossing with Iran in a few days.

The border post will facilitate the flow of goods and passengers between the two countries, Brigadier Abbas al-Mawsawi said.

Four southern provinces border Iran. The provinces now compete with each other to increase number of border crossing in a bid to boost and expand links with Iran, currently Iraq’s top trade partner. (Source)Abed Battat, Azzaman


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