Sabtu, April 01, 2006

Bush asks Shiites to replace Prime Minister in Iraq.

Iraq is in the throes of a political crisis as it battles an upsurge in sectarian violence that has pushed the country to the brink of civil war.

Hakim’s SCIRI is apparently the most powerful political faction in Iraq. It operates well-armed militias and leads a strong alliance of several Shiite parties.

The sources said Bush made it clear in his letter that Jaafari was no longer fit to lead the government.

However, the sources said Hakim has snubbed Bush, saying the selection of a prime minister was left to his parliamentary block which has 140 seats in the 275-member parliament.

Hakim is reported to be under immense pressure to nominate another candidate, but the sources said he has so far shown no willingness for compromise.

Despite Hakim’s persistence to have Jaafari as prime minister, his opponents in the parliament insist on a new nominee.(Source) Nidhal al-Laithi, Azzaman


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