Selasa, Juli 20, 2004

Foreign Oil Investors Encouraged by Iraq

Iraq is seeking to bring foreign investors into the oil and natural gas sectors in order to “manage the hydrocarbon resources and exploit them as best as possible” it was announced in a statement from the oil ministry.

A new council was formed to oversee this venture. The Higher Oil and Gas Council will solicit proposals for resource development and strategic marketing from foreign companies.

The council will play a significant role in Iraq’s recovery with the allocation of its highly sought fields to the major oil producers currently biddiing.

Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, appointed himself as the head of the council.

Allocation is expected to begin after the elections, and the council will focus currently on reconstruction and repair.


Dengan adanya permintaan dari Investor Dinar Iraq di Indonesia yang menginginkan adanya Fasilitas Layanan Pembelian Dinar Iraq dari kami, maka Situs kami berusaha untuk memfasilitasi hal ini dengan mempertemukan antara Penjual & Pembeli Dinar Iraq di Indonesia. Semoga layanan ini dapat membantu rekan - rekan Investor.

Syarat – syarat Lembaran Dinar Iraq yang kami terima adalah :

  1. Asli (Lolos dari Money Detector Device / Scanner Uang Kami)

  2. No Seri Urut

  3. Baru & belum pernah digunakan untuk transaksi jual beli (New Uncirculated)

  4. Tidak terlipat

  5. Kami mengutamakan Dinar Iraq yang sebelumnya beli dari kami

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Semoga layanan ini bisa memperkuat kerjasama dan kepercayaan di antara Seluruh Investor Dinar Iraq di Indonesia.

Terima kasih.