Selasa, Juli 06, 2004

Iraqi Infrastructure Reconstruction Accelerates As Efforts Surpass Goals and Schedules

The Accelerated Iraq Reconstruction initiative, which has currently created employment for over 11,000 Iraqis and pledged more than $300 million for reconstruction, has exceeding the goals established by Ambassador L. Paul Bremer.

$500 million have been allocated from the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI). Implementation of these projects is continuing with transfer of authority on June 28.

“While these aren’t massive projects, they deliver high value services for communities with critical needs, and provide employment opportunities for a number of struggling communities. These communities now have viable waste disposal, potable water or schools for their children for the first time. For them it’s more than a start, it’s a blessing.”

The importance of these projects are underscored by their necessity; potable water, waste disposal, health care, education and transportation. Additionally, a broader range of smaller projects are being implemented to bring community services, youth centers and other neighborhood services back to the people of Iraq.


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Semoga layanan ini bisa memperkuat kerjasama dan kepercayaan di antara Seluruh Investor Dinar Iraq di Indonesia.

Terima kasih.