Jumat, Juli 23, 2004

Two-Thirds of Iraq Security Forces Trained

Security forces and the new Iraqi police have trained over two-thirds of the personnel needed to begin to meet the internal security needs of Iraq.

The new military for Iraq are also being trained, but as with the police and security forces they still face materials shortages in equipment and supplies.

These forces will begin to replace the Coalition forces on the ground in Iraq, allowing the government to manage its own security, as important component for Iraq’s sovereignty.

Insurgents plague the new government and the battle against them has had mixed results, due in part to the lack of equipment and also in part to the reluctance of some of the police and security personnel confront the insurgents, who view the police and security forces as collaborators.

This has prompted the Coalition to move up the time table in order to more quickly hand over day to day security to the new Iraqi units.

Some well-equipped Iraqi units seem to be performing well as they conduct large scale operations seeking to disrupt the insurgents and secure Baghdad and the surrounding areas.


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