Kamis, Juli 08, 2004

US Values Current Contracts at Over One-third of $18.6 Billion Allocated

Contracts valued at over one-third of the budgeted $18.4 billion appropriated were signed in June for the reconstruction of Iraq.

Amy Burns, spokesperson for the Project and Contracting Office was quoted as saying “Since January till June 30 these contracts have been signed with hundreds of contractors out of the $18.4 billion allocated for reconstructing Iraq.”

The PCO oversees the coordination and management of the over 2,300 projects projected for rebuilding Iraq. “These contracts comprise the larger infrastructure based projects and also specific community based projects in key locations to quickly and visibly improve the daily lives of the Iraqi people” said Burns.

Burns commenting on the progress of the reconstruction stated, “Combining the small neighborhood projects with large infrastructure ones accelerates the quick rebuilding of Iraq.”


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Terima kasih.