Selasa, Juni 28, 2005

Manager of the National Secretariat of the Property Claims Department in Basra: The Finance Ministry is Responsible for Compensations

The statement of Mr. Khodeir Abbas Al Ahmed explains the nature of the work of the department and is urging citizens to hurry in completing their incomplete applications.

The office manager said, "Since starting its works on 07/05/2004, our office has finished one thousand claims that were sent to the legal committee to inspect them." He added, "Among the duties of our office are: authenticating all claims that are submitted to it through laser discs. Then they are sent to the competent legal committee to decide on it. Al Ahmed has urged citizens to follow up with the applications in the office, as more than 2000 applications need some documents to meet the conditions of committing them to the legal committee. He confirmed, "We are serious regarding the return of the rights of those, whose lands and real estate were seized during the previous regime, pursuant to the law.

Finance Ministry and Compensations

The office manager pointed out that the legal project has given the last purchaser, the right for compensation. The value of the real estate is estimated pursuant to the law issued in Iraqi Minutes, issue No.3985 for 2004. In case of contradiction and objection, there is a council specialized in appeals of the property department decisions. We have the right of interpreting the law and that our decisions would be obligatory for legal committees. Al Ahmed considered the finance ministry of the former regime as responsible for dealing in the confiscated estate, which were sold and their value were placed into the state treasury. Therefore, the finance ministry is the one that would pay for the compensation. The office manager called citizens to hurry in submitting their applications. He pointed out that the deadline for receiving new claims would be 30/06/2005 and that such claims are exempted from fees, taxes and inspection expenses, as the office would pay for them. (Source) Al Mada


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