Minggu, Juni 26, 2005

Oil, gas corporations bid for $40b 'Rebuild Iraq' projects

OGS 2005, the premier Arab Oil and Gas Show which is to be held from November 7 to 9, 2005, at the Dubai International Exhibition Centre, is expected to be an important link between cutting-edge technology providers and investors in Iraq's resurgent Oil & Gas sector.

In the 12th edition of its showing, OGS will provide companies with a platform to network and discuss business prospects, innovation and issues related to exploration, extraction, processing, storage, transportation and security in the oil and gas industry. "With investment in Oil & Gas infrastructure growing exponentially all across the GCC region, investors are increasingly on the look-out for technologies and services that provide the optimum combination of high return on investment and competitive edge in a dynamic global market-place.

OGS, as a forum, has created a niche where industry leaders can be assured of hands-on inspection of newly launched technologies and services," said Anselm Godinho the Managing Director of International Conferences & Exhibitions (IC&E). The show bears tremendous importance to the region as the Gulf's economy is largely driven by reserves of oil and natural gas. Saudi Arabia, according to independent research, has one-fourth of the world's proven oil reserves. (SOurce) Kheleej Times


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Terima kasih.