Minggu, September 24, 2006

Muqtada Sadr urges followers to resort to ‘peaceful’ opposition in Iraq

Sadr commands one of Iraq’s most powerful and lethal militias in Iraq and has so far waged two major uprisings against U.S. troops and numerous mutinies against the government.

His military wing, called al-Mahdi Army, easily defeated Iraqi government and security forces in the southern city of Diwaniya early this month. The troops sought U.S. troops’ help to regain some semblance of control.

Sadr said his call for comprise and civil resistance was for the sake of sparing Iraqi blood. But still he had harsh words for the United States.

“I do not think this new attitude will persuade America to give up its tyranny. It is an aggressor country and will remain so. And as for me there will be no letup in my opposition to the occupier,” he said.

Sadr took part in the last parliamentary elections and won 30 seats in the 275-member assembly.

His group has two ministers in the government as part of the ruling Shiite coalition.

Sadr has a large following among the Shiites in Baghdad and several other cities in southern Iraq.

“I want you to wage a peaceful war against them (Americans). I do not wish to see a single drop of blood shed because it is very dear to us. Engage them (Americans) in a popular, peaceful and political war,” he asked his followers.

However, he said Iraqis should not expect but “death and destruction” from the United States. (Source)Abdulhussein Zair, Alzamman


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