Rabu, September 13, 2006

Real estate agents says : the reason behind the growth of this problem is turning the rich and big companies specialized in real estate investment to

The fair was inaugurated by Amr Mosa, Arab League Secretary General and Egyptian minister of international cooperation, Faiza Abu Naja. Iraqi minister of planning, Ali Baban, was also present.

More than 250 Arab entrepreneurs attended the opening session as well as 8 companies.

The fair is part of Iraqi government’s efforts to lure foreign investors, particularly from Arab countries.

Foreign companies and investors have left Iraq due to the upsurge in violence.

Iraqi government officials at the fair promised to remove hurdles preventing Arab investors from working in Iraq.

Investment opportunities are plenty in the country whose basic infrastructure is in urgent need of repair.

It is hard to persuade foreign investors to return at a time Iraqi entrepreneurs are fleeing the country along with their capital.(Source)Azzaman


Dengan adanya permintaan dari Investor Dinar Iraq di Indonesia yang menginginkan adanya Fasilitas Layanan Pembelian Dinar Iraq dari kami, maka Situs kami berusaha untuk memfasilitasi hal ini dengan mempertemukan antara Penjual & Pembeli Dinar Iraq di Indonesia. Semoga layanan ini dapat membantu rekan - rekan Investor.

Syarat – syarat Lembaran Dinar Iraq yang kami terima adalah :

  1. Asli (Lolos dari Money Detector Device / Scanner Uang Kami)

  2. No Seri Urut

  3. Baru & belum pernah digunakan untuk transaksi jual beli (New Uncirculated)

  4. Tidak terlipat

  5. Kami mengutamakan Dinar Iraq yang sebelumnya beli dari kami

Info dan penawaran lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi saya Ibu Ita Arianto di Ph. 081330893103.

Semoga layanan ini bisa memperkuat kerjasama dan kepercayaan di antara Seluruh Investor Dinar Iraq di Indonesia.

Terima kasih.