Minggu, September 24, 2006

Steady gas and power supplies in Iraq boost petrochemical output

A statement faxed to the newspaper, said the hike in the company’s output is mainly due to the steady supply of power and gas it enjoyed in the same period.

Erratic power and gas supplies were blamed for the company’s troubles. The company has several factories in Iraq with the largest complex situated in the southern city of Basra.

The company’s products this year has been instrumental in relative boost in agricultural produce.

Plastic sheets to protect plants and fertilizers are among the main products the company churns out.

The statement said the company has become a major supplier of fertilizers and plastic sheets to the Ministry of Agriculture.

It said the company currently supplies the private sector with its products.

In the 1970s Iraq constructed several petrochemical companies and was on its way to become one of the largest producers of petrochemicals in the world.

But wars and U.N. trade sanctions hindered the attempt.

The Basra-headquartered company has 4500 workers on its payroll. (Source)AlZamman


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