Rabu, September 20, 2006

Zalmai Khalil Zad Invites American Companies to Invest in Kurdistan, Iraq

Khalil Zad said during the opening session of the Fair in a hotel lies on top of a hill north of Arbil (350 Km. north of Baghdad) on Wednesday evening " I invite all and especially American companies to invest their capitals and profits as well, and to help the Iraqi people at the same time."

More than 800 companies representing 27 countries including many big American companies especially in the field of cars industry are participating in Arbil International Fair which will last for four days.

The American ambassador added " I don't want you to spend four days in Kurdistan then go back without making any contracts. Personally, I invite you to utilize and invest in the agricultural field and especially fruit being available all over the Province." He continued " Iraq and Kurdistan have many resources like oil and gas; they have the second biggest reserve of oil in the world. In addition to that there are numerous water resources and agricultural lands as well as fine and skilful men power."

The ambassador, also, said "I think you will gain more profits if you invest in the tourism sector in this Province than you will in the oil sector. You will see during the fair that Kurdistan is witnessing a great development and you should not miss this." He commended the Investment Law in the Province saying "I congratulate Barzani and the Kurdistan Parliament for issuing this law which encourages the investment process." Zelmai concluded by wishing the Fair " all the success… work and gain profits."

Until late of Wednesday evening, Zelmai met with president of Iraqi Kurdistan Province, Masud Barzani, members of the Kurdish government, investors as well as local and foreign companies' owners in the hotel gardens.

Director General of the Iraqi Economic Development Center, Raaid Al- Rahmani, confirmed " there are about 200 sections representing 800 companies from 27 countries " He pointed out that big international companies are taking part in the fair such as: American Motorola for Communications, General Motors and Ford from America too, Falkswagen and Mercedes from Germany as well as Toyota from Japan for cars. He added that international companies in the field of excavating for oil and investment are also taking part in the Fair.

Al-Rahmani said that a big delegation from the Iraqi government is taking part in the Fair especially from the Ministry of Oil, Planning Housing and Construction as well as from other commercial attaches present in Iraq. He continued that the Center will organize seminars about reconstructing Iraq during the Fair which is held at Al-Shaheed Sami Abd-ul-Rahman Park in Arbil under the slogan "Hand by Hand We Build New Iraq ".(Source)AlWatan


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