Minggu, Oktober 01, 2006

25 German Companies are taking part in the Second Kurdistan Fair

The same source stated that these companies reserved an area of 200 square meters with a special wing inside the area of the sponsoring companies [sponsors] where they will display a scheme of action to develop the electrical services inside Sulaymaniyah. It is hoped that they will, also, take part in the campaign of reconstructing and re-qualifying electrical stations in Sulaymaniyah as well as all over Iraq.

The official spokesman of the German companies, Hoshiar Mustafa, said that their purpose is introducing the German companies to ministries government institutions and regional companies. A better introduction will be achieved after the German companies display their products. Then, it will be possible to conclude commercial contracts in future. He said "we expected this to happen through participating in the Fair, especially that these companies are entering the region for the first time. Some of these companies are Lucart Company, Bowels and Visa." (Source)Alsabah


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