Senin, Oktober 09, 2006

The Sixth Conference of Reconstructing Iraq held in Washington at the end of year

The Commissariat indicated that this conference is attended by senior Iraqi officials, as well as officials from major American governmental agencies that possess the reconstruction contracts and which are interested in finding Iraqi partners and contractors. The conference will also be attended by delegates from firms from other countries interested in creating opportunities for contracts with Iraqi companies.

Studies, researches and projects to develop the services and the reconstruction of Iraq will be presented during the conference. Also, a major exhibition will be held that includes various pavilions for the participant parties in the conference.

The Iraqi Commissariat of Civil Society Institutions in Iraq approached the ministries concerned and interested in participating in order to coordinate their participation with the organizing board. Dr. Basil Al-Azzawi, head of the Commissariat, explained that the VISA and travel approvals will be granted directly from the American embassy. He pointed out that travel and subsistence expenses for official delegations will be borne by the Organizing party, while companies and businessmen, will bear theirs. (Source)AlSabah


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