Rabu, Oktober 11, 2006

Studying the establishment of the first civilian airport in Wasit

Nizar Hajami, Vice President of the council, said: "the committee formed by the Council will survey the former military airport, Al-Bashaair (60 km south of Kut), then decide the possibility of utilizing its facilities and transforming it into a civilian airport after obtaining the approval of the Cabinet for the purpose of using it in air transport among the provinces near Wasit and neighboring countries, as well as facilitate the transfer of pilgrims and visitors to holy sites".

He added: "Some of the airport installations, covering a total of 30000 thousand acres, are in good condition, like the take off runway with a length of more than 3 Km. because it was rarely used previously. The current airport needs some buildings and rooms for administrative, security and technical work as well as resting and waiting halls for passengers".(Source)AlSabah


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